Your Wealth Is for Others’ Transformation
Are you using your earthly riches for a heavenly purpose? Proverbs 10:15 (NLT) says, "The wealth of the rich is their fortress; the poverty of the poor is their destruction." But true riches go beyond economics. They reside in a life that's rich in God—a life that transforms and serves others.
God blesses those who recognize their need for Him (Matthew 5:3). Natural poverty is not a permanent state, nor is spiritual poverty. The true "earnings of the godly" (Proverbs 10:16) are meant to enhance not only your life but also the lives of others. That’s the calling of a godly life—to take what God has given you and apply it to others’ transformation.
Whether it’s your car sitting idle, or your wealth stored away, God’s blessings are meant to be spent in His service. God wants you to put miles on your life. Use your car to travel for Him. Use your riches to bless others for Him. Don’t wait for the “right time” or hoard your blessings for yourself. They weren’t given to you for no purpose.
Jesus came to change your potential, not just your circumstances (Isaiah 61). Every resource you possess is an avenue for transformation—not just for you but also for everyone you encounter. Riches should be used as tools to bring glory to God. They only gain eternal value when you use them for His glory.
Today’s Call to Action:
Take a moment to decide how can you serve others with what God has given you. Share your blessings, serve with joy, and travel for God’s glory.
#WealthForGod #TravelForGod #PurposefulLiving
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