Why Jesus Rebuked John the Baptist.
Did you know even John the Baptist, a messenger anointed by God, could miss someone’s destiny? When Jesus approached John to be baptized, John tried to stop Him, saying, "I am the one who needs to be baptized by You!" (Matthew 3:14 NLT). But Jesus had to rebuke him, explaining, “It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires” (Matthew 3:15 NLT).
This moment is an important lesson for all of us. Even godly people with the best intentions might not fully understand the path God has for you. That’s why it’s crucial to hear God’s voice for yourself and know the difference between being influenced by others and being directed by God.
Jesus loved John the Baptist, but He didn’t let that love override His obedience to the will of His Father. That same principle applies to your life. Do you know your assignment? Are you following God’s will, or are you swayed by others’ opinions?
Watch the full video to learn what this powerful exchange teaches us about following God’s plan for our lives. New Heights Network: https://youtube.com/live/PMIQipeKkX4