The Power of Eternal Vision.
Don't you think God is excited about your commitment to him? Don't you think He wants to demonstrate his power through you? When you take a step out in faith where it looks like nothing is happening, but you take that step, you are walking by faith, not by sight. In the natural, it doesn’t look like this is going to work, but you take this step out anyway.
That's what you do when you have a vision for something. Anyone who starts a company from scratch has no guarantee that company is going to succeed, but you take that step out anyway. That's what you do when you have vision.
I know Christians who think they can do things that do not tend to holiness. They push the limits by drinking, smoking, watching things that glamorize sin. However, Paul says many things are lawful for me, but many things are not expedient.
Do you hang around the categories of what you CAN do as opposed to what you SHOULD do? Or do you try to set the highest standard of godliness because you have a vision for the impossible?
When you have a vision for eternity, your whole outlook changes. All you want is God. You want to be like God. In reality, God would love to have us sacrifice any earthly pleasure for eternal responsibility.
Watch the video here: