Stop Just Using God for Your Stuff.
I'm trying to give you some treasuries from the realm of the eternal because if you don't focus on the eternal, the devil will make sure you focus on your needs, your circumstances, and the things that are going on in the natural world. All of the real battles that relate to you and God are fought in the invisible world. I'm not holding back on you anymore. I'm telling you that you have to stop just using God for stuff. God wants to make YOU to be the stuff of heaven. You are the only thing that will withstand the fires of God's presence in the great day. Everything else is going to be burned. You just saw an example of all the stuff that burned in the Los Angeles fires. Think about how much greater destruction will come in the fires of judgment. No house is going to withstand it. No jewelry, no money, not even the elements. Pay attention to the eternal! Your real life exists in that invisible realm. You're the only stuff that matters to God. You are made in the image of God and if you are born again and you live for God you exist for the next world. You exist for God. The wicked dead will exist without God in the lake of fire, but you are ordained to live forever and occupy another realm and hold some responsibilities. Jesus showed us through Elijah and Moses on the mount of transfiguration that He’s the God of the living, not of the dead. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are all living right now. You are living in the eternal life realm now, so stop just using God for your stuff and focus on yielding everything to Him.
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