Martyrdom Will Save Our Cities. Before we can reach the neglected corners of society, we will first have to follow the Holy Spirit to the place where our selfish desires die. The core essence of Christianity is whether we live for ourselves or live for God. We walk in the footsteps of the disciples, who all but one met martyrdom. For us, physical death is not always required but there is always a spiritual surrender. The baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses, which means martyrdom. Holy Ghost does not raise anyone who is not dead. One of His main purposes is to show us how to let go. Water baptism, bloodless martyrdom, the transformative baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the humility of communion help us to die to our desires. Jesus calls us to join the ranks of fearless disciples who were willing to give their all for their beliefs. In a world focused on self, you must find the strength to die to the flesh and live for a higher purpose. Let the Holy Ghost guide you to the inner cities to bring true change. It's time to ask yourself, does God exist for me or do I exist for God? The ghetto awaits your arrival.