Do You Have any Disciples?
Jesus said to make disciples of nations. Mark 3:13 says, “Afterward Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him.” These men were sovereignly both born into the world and now sovereignly given an assignment by the Creator of the world. What did they look like after following Him for three and a half years?
Think about that as an individual. What if God gave you one person who would imitate you day and night? Maybe they would not use the same words as you do, but they would copy your actions every day. What would that one disciple look like?
Of course, what is even more important is to teach people your principles. Mark 3:14-15 (NLT) says, “Then he appointed twelve of them and called them his apostles. They were to accompany him, and he would send them out to preach, giving them authority to cast out demons.”
Jesus’ disciples had to lay down everything they had going in their own priorities and take up Jesus’ priorities. They followed Jesus for three and a half years looking at His life. If they lived with you, would you be a godly person to follow? The most important thing that Jesus gave His disciples was His principles. Are you principally a person who lives by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God? A principle is a fixed value. It should emanate from God Himself. A process is how you work it out.
Give honor to those who discipled you and are still living godly lives by asking them questions about critical decisions you must make. Not everybody yielded to Moses’ leadership, even though it was clear that he was hearing from God. One man's relationship with God led them out of the bondage of the strongest nation in that day. I believe that my prayers for people will be like the cloud that led Israel by day and the fire by night. That includes politicians. I respect their assignment if they seem to be yielding to God in it. I am not going to hate them. I will pray for them as God leads me.
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