Christlike Passion to Finish Well.
Almost every day I'm amazed about what I don't know about God the Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, the work of the Holy Ghost, and my being born from the heavens. And of course, then the body of Christ, the church, and individual people living this life.
I don't know if you've ever done this before but I looked in the Gospels to find the first thing recorded that Jesus said and the last thing He said. I guess you could call it read the red. God told Moses He is called the “ I Am.” He has no beginning or end. He is everlasting. That means I am everlasting if I am a child of God. He was talking about the nature of the eternal.
You can’t interpret the Bible with your human understanding. You can’t explain it from the time and space realm. Jesus was always talking about the eternal.
Today some people on our prayer line were talking about grieving. I can understand that because my wife died three years ago, but God reminded me to have a heavenly viewpoint about her death. Many people have a human perspective of eternity, not an eternal perspective of humanity.
Jesus as the Son of God knew eternal life, but he had to experience death for us. He kept His passion to die for us all the way to the cross because the essence of Jesus is love, Spirit, fire, light, and holiness. He humbled Himself even unto death. He had a passion to carry out all that God required.
Not everyone who is born again has the same passion to walk it out. We have all known people who had passion for a time but it didn’t last. Jesus’ passion lasted. It required decision-making. He had to do what Adam should have done. It required domination of the powers of darkness. He walked in authority. He had determined not to fall or fail. He had the ability to carry out the will of God and never violate what God told Him to do.
God’s standards for us and for Jesus are not suggestions. Once you know your calling, it takes passion to walk it out. I can think of a couple of athletes who seem to keep their passion for winning, LeBron James and Tiger Woods. They not only have skill but also passion.
Don’t allow your passion to diminish by something like grieving or holding on to unforgiveness for offenses. Think like an eternal being. Live like Jesus. Keep your Christlike passion.
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